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Operations, Maintenance, and Monitoring

Tetra Tech provides comprehensive operation, maintenance, and monitoring to ensure landfills remain in compliance with local regulations

Tetra Tech provides operations, maintenance, and monitoring (OM&M) services for landfill gas collection and leachate collection systems (LFGCCS) at active and closed landfills and landfill gas-to-energy (LFGTE) facilities.

Tetra Tech maximizes solid waste facility efficiency by keeping systems properly tuned and managing routine and emergency repairs to LFGCCS and leachate management systems. We have a deep understanding of complex landfill systems and their wide-ranging parameters, and we know how to apply that information to positively affect our clients’ bottom line. Our clients rely on us to support efficient, safe, and productive operations and keep their landfills in compliance with regulatory requirements—from monitoring landfill surface gas emissions to operating LFGCCS.

At the NAES Corporation site in New Jersey, Tetra Tech uses an innovative data collection platform to collect and compile data efficiently for internal analysis. This enables technicians to quickly identify issues within the LFGCCS that require quick and efficient adjustments to maximize landfill gas (LFG) flows and minimize control equipment downtime.

For more than 25 years, Tetra Tech has provided GCCS operations and maintenance (O&M) for the City of Phoenix, Arizona. To reduce site monitoring requirements, we have overseen GCCS infrastructure modernization, helped the City recycle and reuse backup GCCS components, and downsized flare capacity at legacy landfills with declining LFG production.

We also have provided LFG collection system O&M for the site of St-Rosaire in Drummondville, Quebec. We have increased the system’s limited flaring system capacity, made modifications, and supported odor control while awaiting the construction of the new flare that was delayed by more than a year.

Tetra Tech technician collecting landfill gas sample for laboratory analysis

LFG Collection and Control System O&M

Tetra Tech performs key routine O&M tasks to support the most efficient LFGCCS operation and maximize landfill gas collection. We have made a significant investment in developing innovative mobile landfill data collection tools, such as the InsighTt data management system and Tetra Tech LFG-IMS, to facilitate real-time data collection, trending, analysis, and reporting. We use this data to optimize LFG collection, while keeping facilities in regulatory compliance.

  • Wellfield monitoring and balancing
  • Flare system operations, maintenance, and emergency response
  • LFG sampling and testing, data collection, and compliance reporting
  • Landfill surface emissions monitoring (SEM)
  • Migration probe and barhole monitoring
Flare station for thermal combustion of landfill gas

Post-closure O&M

Tetra Tech performs various long-term post-closure care activities in accordance with a site’s approved closure and post-closure plan. We provide monthly, quarterly, and annual inspection, observation, maintenance, and monitoring, as well as preparing post-closure care evaluation reports.

  • Final cover and vegetation maintenance
  • Groundwater, sediment, and surface water monitoring and groundwater well maintenance
  • LFG monitoring and maintenance
  • Condensate hauling and treatment
  • Drainage system cleaning, repair, and maintenance
  • Inspections and reporting
Impoundment of liquids for treatment and offsite disposal

Leachate Collection System Maintenance

Proper monitoring and maintenance of the leachate collection system is an integral part of landfill management. Tetra Tech conducts leachate and condensate monitoring in accordance with each site’s approved environmental monitoring plan. This includes sampling and analysis to characterize the leachate chemical composition and identify constituents that may potentially impact local groundwater.

  • Landfill leachate sampling and system management
  • Condensate hauling and management
  • Pumping system O&M
Field technician following established protocols during routine inspection

Site Personnel Training

Tetra Tech trains client personnel to conduct routine LFGCCS operations and monitoring. We conduct annual training and review of operating procedures, maintenance and recordkeeping requirements, emergency response procedures, public education and awareness, and additional regulatory reporting requirements.

  • Routine LFGCCS operations
  • System start-up
  • Data collection and reporting
Two workers overseeing a removal of gas conveyance piping

Construction Management

We work with clients to verify that projects comply with construction plans and specifications. This includes assisting with the preparation of bid documents; meeting with contractors to discuss and review critical decisions and value engineering suggestions; and on-site construction monitoring, contract administration, and certification services.

  • Bid evaluation
  • Construction documentation and reporting
  • Budget and schedule tracking
  • Response to contractor Requests for Information
  • Construction quality assurance
  • Contractor and equipment procurement and supervision

Connect with us. Reach out to our integrated solid waste solutions experts.

Our featured operations, maintenance, and monitoring highlights

Tetra Tech performed full-service landfill engineering support at the Fairmead Landfill in Madera, California

Landfill Engineering Support for the County of Madera Public Works Department

Field technician measuring liquid levels in a landfill with mobile data collection tool, developed by Tetra Tech

New Mobile Landfill Data Collection Tools Improve Site Management